It started millions of years ago
At the age of a second.
It had seen Adam and Eve.
It was there when Jesus was born
And there when he died.
Strong and sure it kept it's pace,
It had a name, Time,
But no children,
Then Jesus died
And man gave him a child.
It's first child was called
A Year,
And from him,
Months were borne,
And from them,
These were measured by how long
There was light.
The years
Gave birth to months or moonths.
Each month having 31, 30 or 28 days.
These days themselves had hours,
Twenty four to be exact.
As time grew old,
The hours gave birth to minutes,
Each having sixty.
Those minutes had seconds,
They also had sixty,
Father time is old,
But he continues,
Never ending
Always continuing .
He shall go on
Even if man dies away,
Because he is time
And Time must go on.
*This poem I had to edit a bit because for one, I couldn't even read my own handwriting, two, at some places it didn't make sense.
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