Wednesday, April 1, 2009

My Rage

Everybody step back!!!
Take cover
Behind a desk,
A door,
I'm about to explode.

I'm a volcano,
And I must warn you,
What I emit will hurt you,
Because I've saved up
All the hurt you caused me.

The lava is forcing
It's way out.
I've bloody well had it,
I've had it
With your bleeding demands,
And all the shit
You've shoveled my way.

Then there is an explosion.
You know what?
You can find someone else
To deal with your shit
'Cause, baby,
I don't need this.

Lava starts to flow.
Remember last year?
I should have spoken up.
And last week,
That's not going to happen again.

And flows and flows,
Till it dries
And clogs the mouth
Of the volcano.
Now all that's left
Is putting things back
To how it was.

(pic: PLAZA of the MIND)

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