Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Question of Trust

How would you feel if you assisted an invalid and their caregiver by giving them a house to live in. You went even further and gave the caregiver a job and that individual turns around and steals from you. Not a small amount like $50 or even $100, but give or take between $1,650 and $2,200.

Could you, would you trust that person? To the point that someone tells you about it and you don't believe. Then it turns out that it was the truth. What if that person didn't say anything, would the thief say anything or give back the money.

If it was anyone else, it would have been hell brought to earth. What would you do? To me the trust is gone and I would remove that person from my life.

Yes, we should forgive, but when goes too far, how can you. Trust is broken. How could someone do that, then continues to lie. Life is funny that way.

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