Like me
Love me
Validate me
Tell me that
I am worthy
Tell me that
I deserve respect,
I would turn
To the masses,
My tongue still
And yet, I implore
Them, them all.
Like me
Love me
Validate me
Tell me that
I am worthy
Tell me that
I deserve respect,
They would
Pay me no mind
As they march by,
The same mantra
Repeating in their minds.
Like us
Love us
Validate us
Tell us that
We are worthy
Tell us that
We deserve respect,
Then in the distance
I would see him,
Crimson in a tide
Of gray.
He was different
He did not want
The approval of
Others. He did not
Want our validation
And it was
Because of this....
We liked him
We loved him
We thought that
He was worthy
We thought that
He deserved
Our respect
Our compassion
Our love.
All the things
We wanted and
All the things
He didn't need.
If only
To be like him.